Inclusion/update request

Temporarily disable all the filters and open the main page

You are about to request adding a new studio/maker. Is this right?
You could already be on the list even if you haven't ever sent any form. Please navigate to the main page using the link above. Check your old names as well.
Are you the maker (studio member)?
Do not fill the form. It will get rejected. Please contact the fursuit maker and ask them to do the updates. This is the link you should send them: right-click or press&hold then copy link address/URL.
Have you submitted the form previously?
How do you want your previous submission to be handled?
If you are waiting over a week already or if you prefer your changes to be on-line as soon as possible, please contact the maintainer immediately using any of the means listed on the contact page. Otherwise, please wait a few days. The updates are usually processed once a week on weekends.

Guidelines for makers/studios

Last update: 2024-01-31

website/social/account(s) = your website(s) or social media account(s)/profile(s) like DeviantArt/Fur Affinity/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter and others
user(s) = visitor(s), possibly browsing your information and navigating further to your website/social/account

1. Your websites/social/accounts
A. One compliant website/social/account is a minimum
B. Example fursuit work photos are required You need to have some photos of your past fursuit work creations on your website/social/account. Unfortunately, yet obviously, art like pictures, badges, etc., is not fursuit-related. You won't join to find funding for your first creations. Consider starting with your own fursuit or some pre-mades.
C. Provide a convenient way of contact Users should be able to easily find a convenient way to contact you on your website/social/account. Also, it is not OK to force someone to register in any service to send you a message.
D. No registration requirement Websites/social/accounts should not require users to be logged in to view your content. This applies to e.g. Fur Affinity, assuming you configured your user page that way. A prompt encouraging to register is just annoying, but a "login or register" screen is unacceptable.
E. No "work in progress" websites/social/accounts Websites missing content, showing example pages, sample texts, etc. are not accepted. Some clients treat website-having makers as preferable and/or trustworthy. However, if you do not have a website yet, you'd better make sure you have some nice portfolio on DeviantArt/Fur Affinity/social first. You can fit any information, FAQ, TOS, and other stuff there as well. Creating a website is time-consuming and/or expensive. It's better to not have a website, than having one raising doubts/eyebrows.
2. Your information on
A. (simple) English only, not even bilingual Your website/social/account doesn't have to be in English. However, all information here must be. If you don't speak English, please ask someone for help with translation and make sure to clearly state that you don't speak English in the dedicated section of the inclusion/update form.
B. No plain contact info here E-mail address, phone number, Telegram, Messenger, Discord, Skype, etc. - such info belongs to your website/social/account, and may (probably will) be removed from your submission.
C. Don't mention other studios/makers You cannot e.g. claim to be friends with someone or (have) work(ed) for someone. Not even a shout-out. Such statements may get removed or your whole submission may get rejected.
D. Photos must show exclusively your creations You must not submit photos on which fursuits or other stuff created by others can be seen, e.g. taken during a convention. This is confusing to users.
3. General
A. Use common sense and be fair This list of rules deliberately skips stuff covered by common sense. For example, it should be obvious that you must not provide any false or misleading information or claim somebody else's work.
B. Guidelines may change These guidelines are not perfect and will change over time whenever doing so will bring more pros than cons. I may contact you, asking to correct your data to comply with the updated guidelines.

History of changes can be checked in git. I can assist you in using it if you don't know how.